Celtic Culture?

  Is there such a thing as Celtic Culture, or just tunes and threads?  Is it for amusement only?

Celtic Culture is distinctive enough to provide a unique approach to education.  And diverse enough to be of interest to peple who are not Celtic.

Enter our corner of the Celtic World

Welcome to the
Celtic Homeschool

  • Anyone interested in incorporating aspects of Celtic Education in your Home or Educational Setting, whether a homeschooler or not.
  • Non-Celts who want a more "Celtic" approach to education. (After all, you don't have to be a Greek or an Italian to be interested in "Classical Education.")
  • Celts who homeschool.
I am your hostess, Mitzy Daniels.  I am a "Celtic Homeschool mom."  
In case you don't know, ...

... You might be a Celtic Homeschooler if:


Specifically, people talk about "types or styles of homeschooling." (Conventional, Classical, Self Paced, UnSchooling, Unit Studies, etc.)  

Celtic homeschooling has a "complex of characteristics" that sets it apart.  This does not mean these features are exclusively Celtic, nor is it a complete rejection of other flavors of education.  Rather, it is a matter of emphasis.  And of course, since Celtic Culture has no emperor, components vary from family to family!

If you are interested in a general description of Celtic Homeschooling,

 click  "What Is Celtic Education?"

Current Quote

(these will be updated on a regular basis: check out the old ones on the "Quotes" page, if you have not memorized them!)

William Butler Yeats,

On education:

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."


So, let the story telling (and bantering) begin!  Tell us what would be useful to you.

Tell us your stories.  Ask your questions.

We will provide information, reviews, links, and products, and hopefully... stories.

Stay tuned, come back!

Would you be interested in a discussion forum about Celtic Education and Homeschooling?
(if yes, please send us some topics of interest, some ideas of what you would like to see, etc.)

The "husband and dad figure" of our mini clan says,

"Mitzy Daniels homeschools an averagely large tribe of triple celts.  ('triple celt," i.e., Irish, Scottish, and Bohemian.)  She has raised her lament for a Celtic Homeschool community.  And in typical Celtic Female Fashion, she adopted the motto, 'if you can't find it, make it.'  Of course, the fact that she plays a portable musical instrument was a factor in me becoming the household husband and dad."


Celtic Congregation
P.O. Box 212
McGregor, TX 76657

. When are we?

  •  An era of Storytelling, Music, and Dance
  • An era of Clan versus the Empire
  • An era of Wealth measured in Cattle

  We may be in the eras of

  • Patriarchs
  • Judges
  • King David

  We may be in the eras of

  • Celtic Culture
  • Any tribal Culture
  • Once and Future Blessings